Customer Feedback Form

To help us do everything possible to make your journey with SAR easy and enjoyable, please tell us what you think.

Your feedback will help us improve and make sure we continue to do those things that make you smile!

Your personal information will only be used to communicate with you about your experience if you have requested a response from us. We will not share personal information for any other purpose or disclose your details to any other organization.

What are you getting in touch about? Please select from the following options *

Tell us a bit more… *

Your Details


First Name*


Preferred method of contact*

Email Address

Mobile Number *

Journey Details

Did you travel? *

Booking Number

Booking Date

Date of Journey

Scheduled Departure Time

Train Number

Departure Station

Arrival Station


Class of travel

Ticket type(s)


Total cost of ticket(s)

Have you previously been provided with a case number relating to your feedback?*

Your comments*

Upload image(s) to support your feedback (Max 3 files)

Would you like a response?*

If you have selected to receive a response, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible within a period not exceeding 15 days. If we need more time to investigate a complaint or check information, we’ll let you know within seven days.

If you are not happy with the response received from SAR, please review our Complaints Handling Policy to understand how you can escalate your grievance. You’ll find a copy here.

If you are seeking a refund and/or compensation, we’ll offer this in line with our Passenger Charter and the TGA’s Train Passenger Rights and Protection Policy.

Please complete a Refund & Compensation Form separately if you believe you are entitled to a refund or compensation relating to a delayed or cancelled train, a cancelled ticket that was our fault, or if we have downgraded you due to an overbooked train or lost your checked-in baggage. You’ll find our Refund & Compensation Forms here.

Printed forms should be scanned and emailed to